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Despite an increasingly challenging financial outlook and macroeconomic climate, investment and operations focused on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors are set to grow to keep up with the surge of global ESG Regulations.

The European Union’s CSR Directive, finalized in late 2022, requires companies to publish detailed information on sustainability matters. This follows broader regulatory initiatives to increase company accountability and transparency, move toward common sustainability standards, and ease the transition to a sustainable economy.

Whether it’s Europe’s CSRD and Right to Repair, Canada’s required supply chain’s emissions disclosure, or the SEC’s climate disclosure rule in the U.S., organizations around the globe need to prepare for significant changes and operational implications.

Experts discuss:

  • Regulation trends in ESG: Europe and worldwide
  • Key proposals in the EU (CSR Directive, Sustainable Disclosure Regulation, Green Deal, Circular Economy Action Plan and Right to Repair, Green Claims Initiative) and their cascading impact on international businesses and global regions
  • Assessing the uncertainties and practical challenges to prepare for regulation changes in the EU and beyond

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